Breadsticks in Belvedere

Breadsticks in Belvedere, California

Address: Belvedere, CA 94920

Has the highest per capita income of any city in California and was once an island before being connected to Tiburon.

About Lovesticks

Organic, Vegan, and Delicious.

Our crackers, croutons, and breadsticks are made from the highest quality ingredients, carefully selected to align with your healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re enjoying a light snack or adding a flavorful crunch to your meals, our products are crafted to support both your well-being and your taste buds.

Locally Made, Freshly Delivered.

Proudly made right in your community, we bring our fresh, wholesome products directly to your door for ultimate convenience. Beyond just delivering great food, we provide personalized service to meet your needs, including in-store stocking and custom displays to showcase our range. Once people try our products, they can’t get enough—and we’re confident you’ll feel the same. We’d love for you to experience the difference firsthand!

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30+ years serving Belvedere

About Belvedere

One of the wealthiest communities in America, situated on a scenic peninsula. The island-like city features magnificent waterfront estates and panoramic views of San Francisco Bay. Belvedere shares its downtown area with neighboring Tiburon.

🌍 Population in Belvedere: 2124
🍴 Restaurants in Belvedere: 4

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